Title: All Our Futures 2 Conference
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Description: All Our Futures 2, through future forecasting from world experts, business and design leaders, researchers, learners and teachers, will address the sustainability challenges of the twenty first century. This conference brings together the imperatives of design, business and education: that we design a world that we can go on living in, and that we communicate to each other the values, insights, skills and technologies informing this design.
As natural resources are depleted and climate changes for the worse, design for sustainability becomes increasingly urgent. Designers, commerce, researchers, teachers and learners are called upon to come together, at this 3 day conference at the University of Plymouth, to shape strategy and to involve themselves in decision-making about products and services appropriate for a rapidly changing social and material environment.
Source: FEI
Start Date: 2009-09-15
End Date: 2009-09-17