Don’t forget! FEI will be participating in Ethical Fashion Show Paris, here is the info, straight off the FEI bulletin:
Ethical Fashion Show Paris: Education For Sustainable Fashion/ Atelier “Education pour une Mode Durable”
Fashioning an Ethical Industry will be hosting a seminar on Education for Sustainable Fashion at the Ethical Fashion Show in Paris from 1pm to 3:30pm on Sunday October 4th 2009. The event will take place at Tapis Rouge: 67, rue du fg St Martin 75010 Paris. The event is aimed at fashion tutors and students but everyone is welcome. The event will be in both French and English.
Fashioning an Ethical Industry propose un atelier intitulé Education pour une Mode Durable à l’Ethical Fashion Show de Paris le dimanche 4 octobre de 13h à 15h30. Cet atelier aura lieu au Tapis Rouge, 67 rue du Faubourg St Martin, 75010 Paris. Il s’adresse aux enseignants et aux étudiants de la mode ainsi qu’au public. Les interventions seront accessibles en français et en anglais.
The programme
1.00pm: Shopping ethically – Nayla Ajaltouni, Collectif de L’Ethique sur L’Etiquette, France:
1.30pm: Ethics in education – Liz Parker, joint project coordinator, Fashioning an Ethical Industry, UK:
2.00pm: Ethical fashion from design to manufacture – Fair Labor Association / University of Delaware, USA:
2.30pm: Ethical fashion management – Natalie Ruelle, Institut Français de la Mode (IFM) , France.
3.00pm:Marketing ethics in an uncertain economy – Emmanual Walliser, Numanu – Label of Love, France:
Tickets are available from: