Tag Archives: DESIGN


Check out the trailer to Objectified: A DocumentaryFilm by Gary Hustwit…

Objectified is a feature-length independent documentary about industrial design. It’s a look at the creativity at work behind everything from toothbrushes to tech gadgets. It’s about the people who re-examine, re-evaluate and re-invent our manufactured environment on a daily basis. It’s about personal expression, identity, consumerism, and sustainability. It’s about our relationship to mass-produced objects and, by extension, the people who design them.

Through vérité footage and in-depth conversations, the film documents the creative processes of some of the world’s most influential designers, and looks at how the things they make impact our lives. What can we learn about who we are, and who we want to be, from the objects with which we surround ourselves?”

Source: Objectified, “About the film”


new book investigates the ‘do good’ potential of design

David B. Berman wants design professionals to take his pledge, and commit to use 10% of their design efforts to ‘do good’. In his new book, Do Good Design: How Designers can Change the World Berman links design as the cause of environmental and social concerns today:

How did design help choose a president?
Why are people buying houses they can’t afford?
Why do U.S. car makers now struggle to compete?
Why do we really have an environmental crisis?

If you are interested in investigating the social responsibility of design, this book should prove interesting.  Read more on the book and the Berman’s design pledge here


Berman speaking in Hong Kong, 2006.

Source: davidberman.com and dexigner.com

Green: Sustainability, Significance, and Style Conference

This past week/end  in New York (Dec. 4-6th) ,  the Green: Sustainability, Significance and Style Conference  ran at The Graduate Center, The City University of New York. The conference hoped to highlight everything from dirty gold to Burmese rubies, sustainable fibres and the future of green fashion. I wish I could have made it, and I hope it was a success. Will keep you posted..