Ethical Fashion Forum Workshop: Certification and Standards Seminar

Title: Ethical Fashion Forum Workshop: Certification and Standards Seminar
Location: London
Link out: Click here
Description: “Certification, standards and labelling for fashion products is an increasingly complex topic. In today’ s climate of conscious consumers and probing press and buyers, high sustainability standards and robust certification systems are essential.

This seminar looks in depth at the range of certification and standards options available for fashion businesses. The seminar will approach the issues from a practitioner’s perspective, assessing different models of production and sizes of business; the most appropriate certification; labelling and standard setting options; and how these can be built into business models.

Alongside this seminar, representatives from certification, labelling, and standard setting bodies will be invited to exhibit and distribute information about the options available.”

Source: EFF

Start Time: 18:00
Date: 2009-06-23


Check out the Events Calendar for more workshops!

Mary has a PhD in Sociology from University of Edinburgh, researching responsible fashion and transnational labour rights activism in the wake of the Rana Plaza building collapse in Bangladesh.

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