A roundup of stories, headlines, and updates from in and around the community of socially responsible fashion design.
The happiness hat forces you to smile
happiness hat from Lauren McCarthy on Vimeo.
CSR Asia
Design Sojourn (via Core77)
Think of Creating a Language Rather than a Form
Eco Fashion World
Ecotextile News
FTC settles bamboo textile case
Leading designers opt for organic wool
Eco accreditation for wool supply chain
RITE event retains strong support
Gross or Glorious? Austrian Designer Imagines Clothing Created From Your Body’s Bacteria
Wearable Shelter: Eco-Chic Streetwear Transforms into Protective Street Gear
Ethical Style
Clean Clothes Campaign Goes After Major Retailers
On Ralph Lauren and Photoshopping Models:
Another Ralph Lauren Model Photoshopped to Death?
France Debates Warning Labels for Photoshopped Ads
Ralph Lauren Fires Photoshopped Model for Being ‘Fat’?
Ralph Lauren Over-Photoshops Super Skinny Model
Fair Trade Sports
Marketing Magazine
Marks & Spencer describes its journey from corporate social responsibility to sustainability
Reuters, Adam Pasick’s Blog (via Core 77)
Nike, the albatross, and sustainable design
Toronto Fashion Incubator
“Going Green” Events: Vancouver (Nov. 17th, 2009) and Montreal (Nov. 24th, 2009)
Vancouver Fashion Week
Planet Claire to Host a preview evening of Eco Fashion in partnership with Vancouver Fashion Week
Times Online
The 10 worst retailers for exploiting foreign workers