Create10// Call for Papers, Research + Student Design Competition

“The CREATE conference is all about creating innovative interactions, whether digital consumer products, interactive services or interaction paradigms.The event is an opportunity to share and discuss the design opportunities and dilemmas that are currently being addressed by practitioners and researchers from the commercial, public and academic sectors.

As well as presentation of academic research and student work, the event will provide real learning opportunities through hands-on workshops, case studies and demonstrations. We also welcome theoretical and research perspectives on the process of design innovation and approaches to creativity in HCI; how human factors can be integrated within a creative design process, methods that encourage creativity in interaction design, and the challenges of working in multi-disciplinary teams.” (Create 10)

Title: Create10
Location: Edinburgh Napier University, UK
Link out: Click here
Start Date: 2010-06-30
End Date: 2010-07-02

Student Design Competition

“This competition is aimed at students from a wide range of disciplines, for example: interaction design, product design, industrial design, communications design, architecture, fashion, multimedia, HCI, and related fields. Students, both undergraduate and postgraduate, can enter for up to a year after completing their studies.” (Create 10)

Design Brief:

“The conference theme of ‘transitions’ is the inspiration for this competition brief. We want to receive entries that scope, explore, define and prototype interactions that make transitions visible. These could be transitions that investigate the relationship between the analogue and digital realms, or systems that make visible transitions across time, place or information spaces.

For this competition you are asked to design an interactive artefact, interface, installation or experience. If selected, you will be invited to display your working design, or a tangible prototype, in a high profile public exhibition space, so you must consider how it may be displayed.”

Initial submissions

Submissions can be made individually or as group work (max 4 participants).
Should consist of:
1.    An extended abstract (500 – 1,000 words) describing your design and any design principles or theories that have informed your approach to this project. You should include discussion of your research process, paying particular attention to your intended user group, whether this is a specific user or a wider group. If you are submitting as a group you should include a brief description of the roles of each member of the group.
2.    Appropriate images of your work, (max 3 sheets of A4) clearly illustrating the design’s interactivity, and also your inspirations and/or research process. You may also include digital files on disk to support the hard copies, these should be cross-platform.
3.    An explanation (1 page A4) of how the work would be displayed in a public exhibition.
4.    A completed application form, this will be available to download soon from the conference website.

All individual items should be clearly marked with your name(s), institution, course, name of your academic supervisor or tutor, and year of study.

Final format

If your work is selected for display at the Create10 exhibition you will be expected to provide:
1.     An A0 poster describing the development process from concept to finished project.
Plus at least one of the following:
2.     A video of the project, showing it working in context.
3.     A finished working (hi-fidelity prototype) that can actually be exhibited as working at the exhibition.
Conference attendance

If your work is selected for exhibition, you will be expected to register, at the student rate, to attend the Create10 conference at the end of June. In the case of group submission, at least one student per submission must register.

Important dates

Initial submission deadline: March 31st 2010

Successful exhibitors will be notified by the end of April 2010

Call for full papers, workshops, short presentations, demonstrations and exhibits:

THEME  : :  Transitions

Analogue <> Digital
Academic <>Practice
Place <> Time
Real <> Virtual
Create10 is seeking original, unpublished work under the following categories :
– High quality academic papers for peer review (max 6 pages)
– Practical workshops
– Short papers and/or case studies from practitioners within the field
– Short presentations and/or posters from students
– demonstrations and/or videos of installation-based exhibits or  creative work in progress


Submissions of :
1 page abstracts for papers : 15th March 2010
2 page proposals for all other submissions : 15th March 2010
Notification of acceptance :  Early April 2010
Full paper submission :  End of April 2010
For further information please contact Ingi Helgason :

Source: Puff and Flock and Create10

Mary has a PhD in Sociology from University of Edinburgh, researching responsible fashion and transnational labour rights activism in the wake of the Rana Plaza building collapse in Bangladesh.

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