In 2011, the International Symposium and Exhibition on Natural Dyes (ISEND) is set to make the case of natural dyes, internationally.
Understanding that responsible design must incorporate culture, society, environment and economy (respectfully / inclusively), ISEND successfully accounts for each of these four pillars, with speakers and presenters representing a vast array of countries, organizations and academic institutions.
When: April 25-30, 2011
Where: La Rochelle, France
Monday: April 25th
Morning //
Session 1—“Natural Dyes, Across Ages, and Around the World”
Afternoon //
Session 2—“Textile Decoration using Natural Dyes: From Tradition to Innovation”
Tuesday: April 26th
Morning //
Session 3-5— “From the Past to the Future of Natural Dyes: The Contribution of Archaeological and Anthropological Research”
I. « Reds and blues in history, from Asia to America; recent identifications of colorants in museum collections »
II. « Natural dyes of American pre-Columbian civilizations »
III. « Purple from Muricids and Indirubins »
Afternoon //
Session 6A—“Roundtable on Natural Indigos”
Session 6B —“Biological Activities of Natural Colorants, Applications as Food Colorants”
Wednesday: April 27th
Morning // Excursions
Afternoon //
Session 7— “Recent Advances in the Selection, Biochemical Study, Production and Applications of Natural Colorants”
I. « Cultivation of dye plants »
Workshops: Natural Dyes of Americas / Natural Dyes of Australia / Natural Dyes of Madagascar / Dyeing with cochineal / Colouring the unexpected; dyeing felt
Thursday, April 28th
Morning //
Session 8-9— “Recent Advances in the Selection, Biochemical Study, Production and Applications of Natural Colorants” (Con’t)
II. « Identification and scientific studies of traditional and « new » sources of colorants; extraction of natural colorants from dye plants
III. « Applications in the textile industry »
Afternoon //
Session 10— “Recent Advances in the Selection, Biochemical Study, Production and Applications of Natural Colorants” (Con’t)
IV. « Advances for applications in different crafts and industries: cosmetics, paints and plastics » Workshops: Hair-dyeing using natural colorants / Recently developed processes for dyeing with natural colorants
Friday, April 29th:
Morning //
Session 11-12— “Economic and Social Impact of the Development of Natural Dyes – Case Studies”
I. Gender and rural development issues
II. Environmental and pedagogical issues, contributions of NGOs
Afternoon //
Session 13— “Valorisation of Natural Colorants: Databanks, Marketing, Labels”
I. « Proposition of a computerized tool to collect and make globally available knowledge on natural colorants »
II. « Marketing of natural colorants and of products dyed/coloured with them »
III. « Label(s) for natural colorants »
Click here to read the full program, and to check out the amazing list of speakers and presenters.
Embedded within the symposium will be excursions and workshops, poster presentations, fashion and art exhibitions, as well as stalls, with even Aquarium and Museum exhibitions open to delegates and public.
On Friday the 29th, under Session II: Marketing of natural colorants and of products dyed/coloured with them, Sasha Duerr and Katelyn Toth-Fejel of the Permacouture Institute will be presenting a lecture on “Slow Textiles, Ecoliteracy, and Natural Colorants.”
Sounds amazing!