Call for Papers // Fashion Theory Special Issue: Brazilian Fashion

Fashion Theory, a premier journal in the academic study of fashion, seeks articles for a special issue on Brazilian Fashion.

The issue will be guest edited by Dr. Rita M. Andrade (Universidade Federal de Goiás, Brazil) and Dr. Regina A. Root (The College of William and Mary, USA).

About the journal:

Fashion Theory takes as its starting point a definition of ‘fashion’ as the cultural construction of the embodied identity. The importance of studying the body as a site for the deployment of discourses has been well established in a number of disciplines. Until Fashion Theory’s launch in 1997 the dressed body had suffered from a lack of critical analysis. Increasingly scholars have recognized the cultural significance of self-fashioning, including not only clothing but also such body alterations as tattooing and piercing. 

Fashion Theory provides an international and interdisciplinary forum for the rigorous analysis of cultural phenomena. Its peer-reviewed articles range from foot-binding to fashion advertising.

Click below to download the full call for papers:

Fashion Theory: Brazilian Fashion

Deadline for abstract submission (300 words): August 1st, 2014; act fast!

Nadira Lamrad

Nadira is the co-founder of Social Alterations. She is currently completing her final year as a PhD Candidate at City University of Hong Kong.

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