Tag Archives: Zero Waste Design

READ // Mend + Transform + Renew (re)imagination of Pre and Post Consumer Waste, by Katherine Soucie


SA friend and colleague Katherine Soucie has recently published her research, Mend + Transform + Renew (re)imagination of Pre and Post Consumer Waste. This important body of work is broken-up into five strands: (S)ITUATE, (E)XPAND, (A)CTIVATE, (M)END, and (S)PINOFF.

Students may be particularly interested in the Glossary. Check it out, and please share within/throughout your respective networks. The work is available online, but is also available in both soft and hard cover for school libraries or personal collections, etc.

Katherine is a Visiting Lecturer in Textiles at the Welch School of Art at Georgia State University.
