Create Sustain Ability ADM-HEA Annual Forum 2010

Here we are at the beginning of day 2 of the FEI conference. Nadira and I have some tables set up for virtual tours of the site (and we even have candy to offer!)

The Art Design Media Subject Centre, which is part of the Higher Education Academy (HEA), is here at the Market Place, and I just wanted to provide you with a quick link to a call for abstracts, as the deadline is fast approaching (March 29, 2010).


ADM-HEA Annual Forum 2010
Friday 14 May 2010
Royal Institute of British Architects, 66 Portland Place, London, WC1B 1AD

Call for Abstracts

The Art Design Media Subject Centre’s (ADM-HEA) 2010 Annual Forum will focus on the subject of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD).

In 2005 the UK Government’s paper ‘Securing the Future’ outlined its strategy for Sustainable Development. It defined ‘sustainable development’ as a goal to ‘enable all people throughout the world to satisfy their basic needs and enjoy a better quality of life, without compromising the quality of life for future generations’ (DEFRA p.6).

This goal has since gained momentum in higher education, more recently with the publication of the Department for Innovation, Universities and Skills ‘Investing in our Future: Sustainable Action Plan 2009’ and The Higher Education Funding Council for England’s (HEFCE) ‘Sustainable Development in Higher Education’, 2008. Both these documents articulate the major and central role of educators and researchers in higher education and stress that fast-changing socio-economic and environmental conditions will demand a different set of attributes from graduates, for example, new skills, capabilities and knowledge to deal with climate change.

To assist and support institutions and art design and media subjects to develop curricula and pedagogy that will help students develop the skills and knowledge to live and work sustainably, this year’s Annual Forum will aim to:

  • Develop awareness and understanding of Education for Sustainable Development and relationships to art, design and media higher education.
  • Enable the exchange of information and ideas and practice for embedding sustainability issues and concepts in art, design and media curriculum, learning and teaching
  • Bring together those who are currently or have in the past undertaken research in the area of ESD to assist in the generation of further ideas and interactions.
  • Generate opportunities and support for those wishing to collaborate to develop new and existing projects and initiatives.

Arran Stibbe, who is a National Teaching Fellow, author of The Handbook for Sustainable Literacy and Senior Lecturer at the University of Gloucestershire, will open the day with a keynote to be followed by a number of facilitated discussion groups based on the papers received.

If you are a higher educator tutor, we would be interested to hear about projects, learning, teaching initiatives and research exploring the following:

  • What do we mean by ESD and what are its implications/impact for art, design and media subjects?
  • How is, and how might, ESD be incorporated into art, design or media curricula?
  • What are the pedagogical implications of ESD and how might these be addressed?

If you would be interested in presenting your work as part of a facilitated discussion group, please submit a 500 word abstract as a Word document accompanied by any visual material to Alison Crowe at: by Friday 29 March 2010. Enquiries: 01273 642321.

If your abstract is accepted it will be published (verbatim) on the ADM-HEA website:

If you would like to register to attend this event, please visit: on or after Monday 1 February 2010.


(Directly Source via: The Art Design Media Subject Centre)

Mary has a PhD in Sociology from University of Edinburgh, researching responsible fashion and transnational labour rights activism in the wake of the Rana Plaza building collapse in Bangladesh.

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