Title: Beyond Green
Location: Amsterdam
Link out: Click here
“This year the symposium again includes a Beyond Green Gallery with presentations on innovative projects by young designers and grass-roots organizations, and exhibition stands manned by numerous companies connected with fashion, textiles and sustainability. A swapshop will also take place where visitors can exchange (closed purse) vintage items. The Beyond Green Gallery will be coordinated by I&A, Ingrid Horsselenberg & Annouk Post.
The symposium will be held in English, and is aimed principally at the students and staff of Dutch fashion and design institutes. It will be held from 10am to 5pm on 9 November 2009 in the World Fashion Centre (Koningin Wilhelminaplein 13, 1062 HH) in Amsterdam.
Press can register via the AMFI-Amsterdam Fashion Institute: m.m.van.de.beek@hva.nl (also for more information about Beyond Green)” (Beyong Green)
Here is the line-up of speakers:
Kate Fletcher, author of Sustainable Textiles: Design Journeys (2008), will be speaking on the topic of “Fashion and Sustainability,” Adriaan Beukers, a full-time Professor on Composite Materials & Structures at the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering at Delft University of Technology and a part-time professor for Engineering with Composites at the Materials Department of the Leuven University, as well as co-author of the books Lightness (1998) and Flying Lightness (2005) will be speaking on “Light Weight,” Fashion Designer Mark Liu on “Zero Waste,” and Carolyn Strauss of slowLab will be speaking on “Slow-Design-Slow Fashion.”
There will also be a “Green Gallery,” divided into four parts, the Information Space, the Showroom, the Exhibition, and the Swap Store.
Here is the list of designers who will be presenting their innovative work in the Exhibition:
- Marie Ilse Bourlanges
- Wieteke Opmeer
- Marianne Kemp
- Nanna van Blaaderen
- Refinity by Fioen van Balgooi
- Marina Toeters en Jesse Asjes
- Malousebastiaan
- Conny Groenewegen
- Malu Berbers
- Winde Rienstra
- Jeroen Wand
- Woesvan Haaften
- Amber Dekker
Start Time: 10:00am
Date: 2009-11-09
Source: Hiphonest and Behond Green
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