Beyond Green


Title: Beyond Green
Location: Am­s­ter­dam
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Designer Winde Rien­stra will be exhibiting in the Green Gallery

Designer Winde Rien­stra will be exhibiting in the Green Gallery

“This year the sym­po­sium again in­cludes a Be­yond Green Gallery with pre­sen­ta­tions on in­no­va­tive pro­jects by young de­sign­ers and grass-roots or­ga­ni­za­tions, and ex­hi­bi­tion stands manned by nu­mer­ous com­pa­nies con­nect­ed with fash­ion, tex­tiles and sus­tain­abil­i­ty. A swap­shop will al­so take place where vis­i­tors can ex­change (closed purse) vin­tage items. The Be­yond Green Gallery will be co­or­di­nat­ed by I&A, In­grid Hors­se­len­berg & An­nouk Post.

The sym­po­sium will be held in English, and is aimed prin­ci­pal­ly at the stu­dents and staff of Dutch fash­ion and de­sign in­sti­tutes. It will be held from 10am to 5pm on 9 Novem­ber 2009 in the World Fash­ion Cen­tre (Koning­in Wil­helmi­naplein 13, 1062 HH) in Am­s­ter­dam.

Press can reg­is­ter via the AM­FI-Am­s­ter­dam Fash­ion In­sti­tute:­ (al­so for more in­for­ma­tion about Be­yond Green)” (Beyong Green)

Here is the line-up of speakers:

Kate Fletcher, author of Sustainable Textiles: Design Journeys (2008), will be speaking on the topic of “Fashion and Sustainability,” Adri­aan Beuk­ers, a full-time Pro­fes­sor on Com­pos­ite Ma­te­ri­als & Struc­tures at the Fac­ul­ty of Aerospace Engi­neer­ing at Delft Uni­ver­si­ty of Tech­nol­o­gy and a part-time pro­fes­sor for Engi­neer­ing with Com­pos­ites at the Ma­te­ri­als De­part­ment of the Leu­ven Uni­ver­si­ty, as well as co-au­thor of the books Light­ness (1998) and Fly­ing Light­ness (2005) will be speaking on “Light Weight,” Fashion Designer Mark Liu on “Zero Waste,” and Carolyn Strauss of slowLab will be speaking on “Slow-Design-Slow Fashion.”  

There will also be a “Green Gallery,” divided into four parts, the Information Space, the Showroom, the Exhibition, and the Swap Store.

Here is the list of designers who will be presenting their innovative work in the Exhibition:

  • Marie Ilse Bourlanges
  • Wi­eteke Op­meer
  • Mar­i­an­ne Kemp
  • Nan­na van Blaaderen
  • Re­fin­i­ty by Fioen van Bal­go­oi
  • Mari­na Toeters en Jesse As­jes
  • Malouse­bas­ti­aan
  • Con­ny Groe­newe­gen
  • Malu Ber­bers
  • Winde Rien­stra
  • Jeroen Wand
  • Woes­van Haaften
  • Am­ber Dekker

Start Time: 10:00am
Date: 2009-11-09

Source: Hiphonest and Behond Green

Mary has a PhD in Sociology from University of Edinburgh, researching responsible fashion and transnational labour rights activism in the wake of the Rana Plaza building collapse in Bangladesh.

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