Social Alterations featured on Fashioning an Ethical Industry

As followers of SA likely already know, this online lab was developed as a result of my research, ‘Social Alteration: Sustainable Design Solutions through Socially Responsible Design Education’ at Athabasca University. A few months in, SA has grown to include the work contributing writer and collaborator Nadira Lamrad, as well as contributing writer Katrine Karlsen, and has already created the SA Fibre Analysis as our first piece of free downloadable curricula.

I’m excited to report that Fashioning an Ethical Industry has added this work to the student project/dissertation section of their site! Thank you for your support!

Click here to check it out, as well as to learn more about these inspiring student initiatives:


2222 magazine

Louise Boulter

University College for the Creative Arts (Epsom)

BA (hons) Fashion Promotion and Imaging



What is ethical wear?

Anita Costanzo

Universita IUAV di Venezia

Corso di laurea in Design della Moda



Danielle Fell

Nottingham Trent University

Fashion Marketing and Communications



Carolina GomezCan El Salvador develop and sustain homegrown design

Carolina Gomez

Chelsea College of Arts and Design

Textile Design

3rd Year




Nathalie Gottschalk

Ma Ethical Fashion Graduate


Consumer Guidebook NectarConsumer Guidebook Nectar 

Cathy Gray

University College of the Creative Arts 

Work done in 3rd Year – now graduated


ethical shopping bookFILM CLIP and ‘Ethical Shopping Guide’

Kelly Levell

Arts Institute at Bournemouth

BA Fashion Studies Degree


Polly PocockInstallation in response to exploitation of garment workers

Polly Pocock

North Devon School of Art

FdA Fine Art 

Anna Vening‘Designing Happiness’

Anna Vening

Chelsea College of Art and Design

BA Textile Design

Mary has a PhD in Sociology from University of Edinburgh, researching responsible fashion and transnational labour rights activism in the wake of the Rana Plaza building collapse in Bangladesh.

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